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86 things that your brand is and NO your logo isn’t one of them!

Values. Purpose. Vision Statements. Purpose Statements. Mission Statements. 1-year goals. 5-year goals. Exit Plans. Your Personality Pyramid. Brand Words. Personality Profiles. The tone of Voice. Key phrases. Language. Culture. Character. Attributes. Behaviour. Look & Feel. What you stand for. What you believe in. Who you do it for. Your customers. Your minimal viable audience. Your primary target market. Your secondary target market. The people you want to serve. Your customers’ frustrations, their needs, their motivation. Your positioning statement. Your brand name. Product names. Subdivisions. Brand hierarchy. Trademarks. Colours. Fonts. Photos. Graphics. Videos. Websites. Social profiles. Brochures. Internal comms. Presentations. Emails. Articles. Apps. Adverts…

Your brand is all these things, and more.

It’s what drives you beyond making money. The motivation, the story, and the person behind the brand.

It’s you. It’s your customers. It’s everyone you interact with. It’s in the things you do, the words you say, the dreams you have.

It’s your logo. But that’s just one part. The badge your brand wears. The mark that signifies everything your brand stands for. It’s arguably both the most important and least important part of your brand. Under its simple lines and colour ways, your logo represents so much of what you, your business, and your brand stand for. But without everything else to support it, it’s just a mark on a page waiting for someone to notice it!

Take a good look at your brand. Not just your logo. Is it working for you? Does it tell your customers what you stand for? Does it bridge the gap between your brand and your customers? Does it reach out to them and whisper sweetly to their desires? Does it make them want to talk to you? Does it make your audience feel connected to you, to your brand, to your business, to what you can do for them?

Or is it just another logo on a page waiting for someone to say hi!

That’s ok by the way. I’m not over here trying to shame the logo you created when you first set up shop! I want your brand to be doing big things for you. I want it to be there, in the back of your audience’s minds, gently reminding them that you’re here for them whenever they need you, so when they do need you you’re the one they want, above all other options, you’re the only one they want. If it’s not. Let’s change that. Let’s design a brand so striking it does the sales talk for you.

That’s my mission. For every brand I meet. I want to help you design a brand so striking it does the sales talk for you! That’s the motivation behind my brand. ByDeesign exists to help…

turn your brand into your best sales tool.

Understanding your Brand Purpose, your Vision, and your Mission is where creating a compelling, inimitable brand starts. Can you simply and clearly fill in the blanks in this statement?

“[your brand] exists to help [……………………….]”

Knowing what your motivation is, the drive behind the brand, why your brand exists, and why people should care – Your Brand Purpose. And what you want your brand to accomplish. The big picture you are working towards, the 1, 5, 10-year future of your brand – Your Brand Vision. And how you will accomplish this. How you are going to live the brand purpose and reach the brand vision – Your Brand Mission.

These are the fundamental stages that go into every notable brand. Again and again. Reviewing these core brand pillars as your business grows should be, at least, an annual activity. If you’re in the first throws of your business life, those early years when things are settling in, processes are being established, products are being tested, and markets are being explored. Reviewing your brand foundations should be part of your quarterly priorities.

It’s ok to change your mind. It’s ok to develop and grow your brand as you develop and grow your business. Make it part of your business process. Make it something you actively seek out and manage. You’ll find your brand grows much more steadily with you, supporting you, and ultimately becoming your best sales tool.

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