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Why would anyone give a sh/t about that?

When I was 19 I packed up my shining blue Ford Fiesta, scrambled to find cash in the side pocket for the tolls, and headed off over the bridge to University leaving my fucks well and truly behind!

Growing up, I struggled to find ‘my’ voice, and I sure as vodka didn’t know what I stood for. But what I did know was this was not how I wanted to be seen. So as I crossed that bridge I made the decision to redefine the way the world saw me.

Of course, what happened was I redefined the way I saw myself.

I rediscovered confidence. Relentless confidence, hidden deep inside me, a confidence that had always been there but had somewhere along the way been buried under the “shoulds” and “coulds” of listening for far too long to what I thought other people expected of me.

Why would anyone give a sh/t about that?

Bit of a harsh question to throw in your face there. But stick with me here. In part one, last Friday’s email, we started listing all the things YOU want to be known for. And while your brand absolutely should be created from what YOU want, without people who want it to your brand isn’t going to get very far.

So ask yourself
why would anyone give a shit about that?”

Look back at all the things you wrote in part one about what YOU want to be known for and transform them into ‘why anyone would give a shit about that’ statements.

“I want to be known for turning your brand into your audience’s favourite obsession!”

This was one of the examples from last week’s email. It looks pretty solid to start with but “why would anyone give a shit about that?” What does being confident DO for your customers? Why does this thing your brand can promise matter to them?

Start listing all the possibilities and scenarios out. think about your customers and why this matters to them. When you’ve exhausted all the possible connections you can make. Take a step back and see if you can transform your I want to be known for” statement into something that your customers want.

Through this filter “I want to be known for turning your brand into your audience’s favourite obsession!”  becomes “make your brand their next big obsession!

In short, you’re turning what you want to be known for into something your customers want to be known for!

Give it a try. It’s a simple change in the way you use your words to switch your brand from being all about you to being all about them, while still really being all about you!

Because your audience doesn’t care about what you want to be known for, they care about what they want to be known for and how you can help them achieve this.

And with this, you’ve just written your wildly wantable home page headline!

“I want to be known for turning your brand into your audience’s favourite obsession!” Becomes… “we’re going to make you their next big obsession”

And before anyone is tempted to say sure that works for service-based brands, but what about my seemingly undesirable product…

Have you heard of Fussy?

I was watching Dragons Den the other night and was compelled by the pitch for this ‘sustainable deodorant backed by science with plastic-free refills and clean effective ingredients’ that I immediately went to their website to sign up!

So let’s look at what they’re saying about deodorant and how we can use the same process with their brand statements.

Fussy wants to be known for ‘sustainable deodorant backed by science with plastic-free refills and clean effective ingredients’  but why would I give a shit about this?

Lots of reasons right, I want to be plastic-free so that’s definitely something that’s in it for me but it’s a deodorant so I want to smell fresh and not feel sticky! Not a sexy brand angle but it’s a great example of how this process works no matter your product or service.

So… “I want to be known for sustainable deodorant backed by science with plastic-free refills and clean effective ingredients” Becomes… “smell good. do good. feel good.”

Which I did find lurking on the website but not where it should be, which is top and centre!

So, tell me, what do you want to be known for? And why would anyone give a shit about that?

Hit reply and let me know.

And if you don’t want to wait till next week for part three in this brand reputation briefing Become Wildly Wanted…


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