Find out more about The Wildly Wanted Collective and how to join

Monthly membership for design inspiration, brand briefs, visual prompts & design templates.

✔ Brand visibility prompts
✔   Design inspiration
✔   The Wildly Wanted Round Up
✔   Monthly Wildly Wanted Workshops
✔   All-access Wildly Wanted Templates

The Wildly
Wanted Collective

- Nickie Elenor

"Dee's positive energy, expertise and creativity have led to bringing to life some fantastic ideas. Dee is super supportive but not afraid to tell me to “crack on” when I need it! Dee actually gives a damn about the work that she is involved in and wants you to succeed. She notices where your brand shows up and is often your biggest cheerleader. Every business needs a Dee."

- Rachel Godfrey

"Since Dee delivered our brand package, business has actually been smoother and simpler. It’s easy for us to design our own graphics using the templates we received AND attract ideal clients who connect and resonate with our message, vibe and attitude. My only regret is not working with Dee sooner!” 


What They're Saying: