The Studio Sessions - where you get to show up FOR your brand. Where you hold yourself accountable to your ideas. And where the business you work on is the life you want to live.

Which one of these designs works better? What would you do to promote this offer? Am I losing my mind or is this actually a really great idea?

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Having the space with accountable times to get the work done, knowing I would actually make progress with my branding – all hands on deck - truly did excite me in a way that I’ve not felt with my biz before. She has helped me to feel like anything is possible within the confines of my biz – on my terms – and she has helped me to get clear on so many things within my biz in a relatively short space of time. I really enjoyed my time in the Design Studio and it kept me super focused on what I was working towards too.

As a Powerbrand Experience user as well I have so much at my fingertips to really start to make my brand magnetic and already it feels different – and I have been showing up more confidently as result which is a real win for me.

Thank you so much Dee, you have really helped me to get clear on what my brand (and what it isn’t!)

A super Happy Life Activator 😊

Working with Dee in the Studio was like awakening something in me that had been asleep until now on my business journey. 

Dee's positive energy, expertise and creativity have led to bringing to life some fantastic ideas. Dee is super supportive but not afraid to tell me to “crack on” when I need it!

Dee actually gives a damn about the work that she is involved in and wants you to succeed. She notices where your brand shows up and is often your biggest cheerleader.

Every business needs a Dee.

Every business needs a Dee.

Dee and I worked together to create my new brand. Dee listened to me intently, and asked the most excellent questions to understand what I was hoping to achieve. She managed to come up with ideas that were perfect. She developed the brand around my personality and my background, and introduced ideas that I would never even have thought of. Not only is Dee an exceptional designer, she is also a really lovely person to work with. She made me feel comfortable and walked me through everything. No question was silly. She made it so easy.

Sian Millar - The Boardroom

She managed to come up with ideas that were perfect. 


A new way of branding

Your back pocket brand manager!

You can design a brand that gives you the clarity and confidence to show up, and your perfect customers the clarity and confidence to invest in you. 

You can have your cake, eat it and own the effffffin bakery!

At school, I got told my design work was “too commercial”. Guess which finger I stuck up to that. We’re not here to create art. We’re here to create commercial value. You can have both.

Access the Wildly Wanted Collective - Brand prompts, templates & inspiration designed to help you create consistent brand growth every month.

Every month we get together for a full day, online, to Brand Together. This is your big brand strategy day. We'll look at what's been working, what's not, and what we're going to do to build your brand obsession together over the next month.

Wildly Wanted Collective

brand together

Which one of these designs works better? What would you do to promote this offer? Am I losing my mind or is this a good idea? Every Thursday we're live in the Studio - your private online forum with other Studio members to share ideas, ask for feedback and create the kind of brand your audience obsess over!

thursday Studio sessions

Here's What You Get...