Group Program: Brand Obsession Briefings & Design Studio Sessions.

Design a brand so gutsy it does the sales talk for you.

The Brand Obsession Briefings & Design Studio Sessions.

It’s part coaching, part designing, part getting shit done together, and full creating wild obsession for your brand

You didn’t make it this far to only go this far. You’ve been in the entrepreneurial game a few years, you’re making good shit happen, and you’re making good money, but you know you’re only scratching the surface of your success. 

With so many bold and brilliant ideas bubbling inside you, you’re ready to break the rules, start a movement, and change the world. 

You need a brand that tells the world you’ve got the guts to do it.

We’ll get started with four weeks of Brand Obsession Briefings; each week we’ll work on designing your brand from the strategy up; working through the four stages you need to get really fucking clear on what you want to be known for and how to design every inch of your brand space so that’s what you are in fact remembered for!

No design skills required.

I’ll guide you through each briefing so when it comes to part two; The Design Studio you’ll have everything you need to get cracking. 

design the brand your audience will obsess over.

With your Brand Obsession foundations in place, we’ll hook up in the Design Studio. Ripped jeans and unwashed hair – optional. Burning desire to light the world up with your brand – unavoidable! 

The Design Studio is where you show up for your brand. Where you come to be accountable to the brand you want to build for your business. Where we work together to bring your ideas to life. To design the brand your audience will obsess over.

Every Thursday I’ll be in the Design Studio live to personally respond to, edit, tweak, suggest ideas and feedback to everyone. No question left unanswered. When you show up, you get my full attention.